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The Hankie: Booger News


Welcome to Team Booger 2023!

We have been humbled and inspired by the support from our cycling community and those who donated in honor of Mike Westover. Your support of the program allows us to ride further together and continue to help youth cyclists succeed on and off the bike.

Our newsletter and blog will keep you up to date with team news, race reports, and opportunities to stay involved. We're glad to have you along for the ride!

What to Expect: The Season Ahead

Our 2023 season is already underway across the region, with XC racers shredding trails in the Bell Lap Productions XC series. Teammates are also vigorously cross-training on the snow with nordic and alpine activities as they wait for the PNW spring to arrive. A few hardy souls even made use of recent snow to practice mountain bike skills in the powder. We're truly a cross discipline team!

Below: Boogers out on course and post-race at the Kettles course on Whidbey Island. Photos courtesy Westside Bicycles/Peter

Welcome to March. In addition to riding, training, and racing, the Team Booger mission of giving back and being a leader will be coming alive starting this month. We’ll dive into our goals process to set intentions for the season ahead. This basis of intentional self-growth will set us up well to work as a team and affect change for others. Join us online either Thursday March 23rd or March 30th!

April brings the Carry 5 Walk for Water, the first of our fundraising and advocacy activities to support Water1st International. As a team, with our families, we’ll experience carrying a day's amount of water in solidarity with those around the globe who make that walk every day.

Save the date for April 22nd at Magnuson Park!

And don’t throw away that milk jug just yet, clean it out and save it to practice carrying a gallon in each hand. Join Water1st at Seattle Center on May 7 for the main event!

In May, we’ll bring a hardy group of souls to Spokane for 24 Hours of Riverside. This will be an important cumulative event for Boogers. We’ll be combining racing form and teamwork in a zone of personal growth by competing through the night.

If you want to know more or sign up to race or volunteer let us know ASAP!

Will it be easy? Will it be fun? Will you remember it forever? (No, Absolutely, Definitely.)

We’ll also be hosting our first Lil Booger Day. This will be an opportunity for current Boogers to help mentor a fun day of riding skills work for elementary school riders!

If someone you know is interested in joining the team, send them this link to our Inquiry Form so we can get in touch.

Summer will be here before we know it!

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